Ocean Seven 308 CTD Logger

The OCEAN SEVEN 308 CTD combines very high-quality electronics with exceptional sensors accuracy fulfilling the demand for a self-recording high performance CTD probe with very compact dimension and very low power consumption. This CTD can be easily integrated/adapted to third-party systems such us floating profilers and/or oceanographic moorings, ROVs and AUVs.




This CTD can be easily integrated/adapted to third-party systems such us floating profilers and/or oceanographic moorings, ROVs and AUVs. IDRONAUT prides itself on the design of its full ocean depth, pump-free, low-maintenance sensor, central to which is the high accuracy seven-platinum-ring quartz conductivity cell. The self-flushing sensors makes this CTD ideal for fast profiling in a wide range of water types. The OS308 CTD standard interface is RS232C; other optional interfaces are: RS485 and wireless. The OS308 housing can be manufactured with either a 316 grade L stainless steel or titanium allowing deployment to depths of 1000 or 7000/10.000 dbar respectively.

Features a very fast platinum resistance thermometer (response time: 50 ms). Negligible self-heating effect. Optionally combined C/T sensor featuring a 7ms fast thermistor (20 ms after processing) integrated in the conductivity cell is available upon request.