The Wave Buoy uses a combination of motion sensors and an electronic compass to measure the directional wave field with high accuracy. This yields the directional wave spectrum and all parameters that can be derived from it, such as the 1-dimensional energy-density spectrum and a range of bulk wave parameters (significant wave height, peak wave period, peak wave direction, etc.).
Purchase includes: Access to the Obscape Data Portal, for the lifetime of your Wave Buoy, 8 x lithium D Cell batteries (up to 12 months lifespan) and 100 EUR free Cellular data (Data lasts up to 12 years).
The OBS-Buoy400 will meet the observational needs for your project’s location, environment and budget. A Global SIM card and €100 of data included Free of Charge. Accurate real-time wave and temperature measurements make their way to the free, easy to use and internet-based Data Portal via a robust cellular telemetry solution. The OBS-Buoy400 is designed to make your life easy with a simple startup and easy to deploy solution.